Are you a designer?

You bet. I am and always will be a designer. To be an effective art director you have to have designer skills and know-how. Did I design everything on my portfolio page? No. I had a lot of help from talented people. Did I design a lot of it? Sure did.

What's with the octopus motif on this site?

My 3-year-old thinks calling me an octopus is hilarious. He's right. That alone would be enough reason, but his constant barrage of cephalopod insults (or praises—it's hard to tell) made me realize just how amazing the octopus is and appropriate it is for my site. The octopus has many parts all working together to accomplish a single goal. Sounds familiar. The octopus is extremely smart and can come up with a solution to almost any problem. Yup. The octopus can change depending on its environment. Sure. The octopus has a worldly view and is always looking for the next best thing. Check. When scared or threatened an octopus throws ink in your face and flees. I'm not above that.

You seem pretty amazing. You're really the whole package.

That's not a question and I'm too humble to respond. But, yes.